NRG Fitness Inc.

NRG Fitness Inc. is a Hybrid Training Center.

We do online personal training, group fitness, strength and conditioning, nutrition consulting, and sports performance.


To open the eyes of Canadians of the importance of Healthy Active Living. To inspire, educate and enable those Canadians to start their fitness journeys.


Reduce the burden on Canadian healthcare by developing fitter, healthier, and happier Canadians


To open the eyes of Canadians of the importance of Healthy Active Living. To inspire, educate and enable those Canadians to start their fitness journeys.


Reduce the burden on Canadian healthcare by developing fitter, healthier, and happier Canadians

Why Choose NRG Fitness?

The relationships and communities developed at NRG Fitness creates the accountability for our members and clients to achieve their fitness goals and to adopt a lifelong healthier lifestyle.

It’s not a short term program.

With over 16 years in the fitness industry, I have the experience and knowledge to work with a variety of individuals from stay at home moms and dads, busy executives to elite athletes.

Why Choose NRG Fitness?

The relationships and communities developed at NRG Fitness creates the accountability for our members and clients to achieve their fitness goals and to adopt a lifelong healthier lifestyle.

It’s not a short term program.

With over 16 years in the fitness industry, I have the experience and knowledge to work with a variety of individuals from stay at home moms and dads, busy executives to elite athletes.

Meet Jay Ramundo

  • Certified Personal Trainer

  • Canfitpro Pro Trainer

  • Strength and Conditioning Coach

  • Group Fitness Instructor

  • Corporate Wellness Coordinator

  • Online Fitness Coach

  • Public Speaker

  • Head Trainer

  • Regional Training and Development Manager

  • Fitness Model

  • Author

  • Entrepreneur

I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Asper School of Business with a double major in Marketing and Entrepreneurship; I ended up working in the Finance Industry for almost 14 years earning my Canadian Securities Licence, Insurance Licence and Financial Planning Designations. I hated it.

Never in my life, did I ever think that I would ever become a Personal Trainer. It's not what Filipinos do. It's not a traditional career choice. Fitness, sports or even healthy active living is not discussed or it may be even frowned upon in many Filipino households. I didn't even tell my parents that I made a career change. However, when they did find out - just like most parents; they were fully supportive (and worried).

As a kid - I was pretty active in all the school sports and tried to make fitness a regular part of my life. Working in the fitness industry means a lot to me as it has enabled me to follow my passion for fitness. It has also been one of the most rewarding choices I've ever made.

Growing up as a "chubby" Filipino - the fitness industry has transformed not only my health and physique - but it gave me the confidence to dream big and work towards bigger goals!

The ability to experience and witness my personal training clients' transformations through life - happiness, confidence, stress levels, energy levels and life accomplishments and realizing this is something I helped them with - will always be a part of me. I still believe that I am making my parents proud (I'm just a different kind of Doctor).

I truly believe that being of service to others is what brings true happiness.

“Only a life lived in service to others is worth living” - Albert Einstein

It’s about being a part of something bigger than yourself.

There’s also the saying,
“Do what you Love and Love what you do - you’ll never work a day in your life.”
So, it isn’t a job or a business - it’s a lifestyle. It’s my passion.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Asper School of Business with a double major in Marketing and Entrepreneurship; I ended up working in the Finance Industry for almost 14 years earning my Canadian Securities Licence, Insurance Licence and Financial Planning Designations. I hated it.

Never in my life, did I ever think that I would ever become a Personal Trainer. It's not what Filipinos do. It's not a traditional career choice. Fitness, sports or even healthy active living is not discussed or it may be even frowned upon in many Filipino households. I didn't even tell my parents that I made a career change. However, when they did find out - just like most parents; they were fully supportive (and worried).

As a kid - I was pretty active in all the school sports and tried to make fitness a regular part of my life. Working in the fitness industry means a lot to me as it has enabled me to follow my passion for fitness. It has also been one of the most rewarding choices I've ever made.

Growing up as a "chubby" Filipino - the fitness industry has transformed not only my health and physique - but it gave me the confidence to dream big and work towards bigger goals!

The ability to experience and witness my personal training clients' transformations through life - happiness, confidence, stress levels, energy levels and life accomplishments and realizing this is something I helped them with - will always be a part of me. I still believe that I am making my parents proud (I'm just a different kind of Doctor).

I truly believe that being of service to others is what brings true happiness.

“Only a life lived in service to others is worth living” - Albert Einstein

It’s about being a part of something bigger than yourself.

There’s also the saying,
“Do what you Love and Love what you do - you’ll never work a day in your life.”
So, it isn’t a job or a business - it’s a lifestyle. It’s my passion.

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