June 15, 2024

Option #1

10 Burpee w/2 Jump Squats

15 DB Push Press

12 DB Deadlifts

10 DB Weighted Sprawl w/DB Bent Over Row

5x (5 Pulse Squats: Frog Jump: Shuffle Back)

Repeat x 4 sets


Option #2

12 Push Ups

12 DB Hammer Curls

12 DB Racked Alternating Staggered Good Mornings

30 Seconds Static Weighted V Sit Hold
Repeat x 5 sets

June 16th, 2024

Option #1

12 Swiss Ball Pull Overs

12 Half Kneeling DB Shoulder Press

12 DB Alternating Snatches

12 DB Weighted Alternating Lunges

12 DB Weighted Deadlifts

Repeat x 4 sets


Option #2

12 Narrow DB Goblet Squats

15 Static Squat Hold w/DB Chest Press

10 DB Wood Choppers/ per side

12 Seated V Sit Arches

Repeat x 5 sets

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